June 07, 2003

Walk start at Southwestern Assembly of God University.

Magnolia Trees are blooming right now.

It's nice to visit a town that actually has sidewalks.

There were lots of nice big homes.

Just a couple of the many walkers that passed us.

Another nice old home

And another.

And another.

This family stayed with us and talked for awhile. They are Dallas Trekkers.

When we got to the park and started following the hike/bike trail we passed this nice bridge over the creek.

The hike and bike changed from rock/dirt to a nice paved trail as we headed away from the park and back into town.

Randy was our checkpoint. He couldn't believe how big Lenore had gotten, and he told us he was a new grandpa. He has a 7 month old grandson.

Waxahachie has two train stations. They are both nice looking, but this one is the prettiest.

The county courthouse.

The historic homes were open for viewing on a tour. This home has a man dressed in period custom answering the door.

This is Randy's grandson, Marshall.

Walkers chatting at the finish.

Our finish table volunteer is Marilyn, Randy's wife and Marshall's Grandma.

Phyllis and Frank signing up to walk.

After the walk we went back to the park. They had a climbing tower, and Carol let Lenore try it. She did great.

Lenore at the top of the tower. When you get there you ring a bell and repell back down the tower.

Go to Dallas Trekkers website.

Go to Lenore's Walk Diary.
