Houston Happy Hikers | Lenore's Walk Diary | Email Me

Texas City Volksmarch

Bronze turtle near the walk start.

Daryl and Diane registering.

Andy and Pat

Anchor park had a nice playground.

The first part of the walk was along the levy that protects Texas City from Galveston Bay. Looking out across the water toward Galveston.

These large birds kept circling. I think they are pelicans.

Another shot of the birds.

Shoal Point Lighthouse.

Walking on the Levy.

Nice Indian statue.

Three Houston Happy Hikers coming along behind us.

One of several wind surfers we were watching.

More walkers passing us.

Pretty flowers with the bay in the background.

Large arrows made a good resting area.

Totum poles located throughout the park with Eagle Scout Troop Numbers on them.

Turtle we were watching from the bridge.

The walk route looped back at this point. These ladies are on their way back in.

Sundance Butterfly Garden was across from the checkpoint.

Checkpoint Volunteers.

Bronze Statue in front of the garden.

We walked by this nice garden.

The Home Owner saw us and invited us in to look around. Picture Credit: Andy.

Rest stop to pet a friendly feline.

Robert (Kerrville) and Pam (Sugarland) were enjoying this nice walk.

Walking on the Wall

We met Phoebe at this checkpoint.

Phoebe's parents on the trail ahead of us as we begin the last section of the walk.

Pelicans are circling again.

We passed another set of arrows.

Trying out the exercise equipment along the edge of the trail.

Another nice bronze statue of a boy and his frogs.

Anyone else stop to do the situps?

Wings of Heritage Display.

Finish Table manned by Ken and Daralyn.

We found a beach out on the fishing pier and let Lenore swim and play before heading home.

Carol joined Lenore and her new friend out in the water.

Playing with hermit crabs.