Houston Happy Hikers | Lenore's Walk Diary | Email Me


Driving to the start we noticed Pelicans all through town. This one was at the start.
This is the inside of the Painted Pelican Cafe, where the walk started.
Walk started out circling a lake. Nice Gazebo and fountain.
We caught glimpses of Galveston Bay.
Lenore ran down to cross the bridge.
This was a side trip, not on the walk route.
Checking out the trail system billboard.
The walk was on a hike/bike trail. This part had lots of shade.
We passed a very nice fountain.
We had to make a playground stop and let Lenore rest from walking.
The trail paralled a creek.
Coming back we crossed the bridge and walked down the other side.
This HHH grandma walking with her grandkids. It is great seeing kids on the walks.
Another great wooded area.
We stopped to talk to this group, but I didn't get their names.
Checkpoint #2 volunteers.
Another playground.

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