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Plano Christmas Lights Walk


Christmas Tree outside Starbucks in the LakeSide Market off Preston Road.

Walkers visiting before the start table opened.

Carol and Lenore getting registered.

There were carolers singing near the Christmas Tree. There were also carriage rides you could take!

The light posts along the street.

When we came to a playground, it was completely dark. I never expected the shot of Lenore playing on the swing to come out.

Our checkpoint volunteers. The young lady was much closer when I snapped the picture than the gentleman was.

Judy walked with Lenore, Carol and I. We had never met before, but she walked at about the same speed we did, and we enjoyed getting to know her.

There was a lake that we walked along. We passed this fountain in the middle of the lake on a couple of occasions... or maybe they had two fountains lighted like this?

These walkers passed us as we neared the end of the walk. Again, I am amazed the picture came out.

This tree's lights looked like popcorn balls.

Raindeer setting on top of Mi Cocina Mexican Restaurant back at the LakeSide Market.

These walkers had passed us earlier, but took a wrong turn and came in after we did. They were close when I took the picture, and it should have come out better than the other shots I took. Digital Camera's sure are unpredictable.

After the walk we drank hot chocolate. I had Carol and Lenore stand in front of the Christmas Tree.

One last shot of the Christmas decorations at LakeSide Market as we left the walk.

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