Dallas Trekkers | Lenore's Walk Diary | Email Me


Walk start. Anna registering, and Ed setting up to cook.
Lots of leaves are already on the ground.
Caught up to some other walkers as we started to climb.
View of the treetops from the top of the hill.
As we walked on we had a view from the other side too.
Purple thistle with sharp edges growing along the trail.
Walkers in the sea of grass.
Part of the walk was on a horse trail.
Ranger Rick (Jerry Stovall)and his grandson, Clay.
Picture looking down the trail from the 15k turnaround. Lake with duck hunters in the background.
Our 15K checkpoint volunteers were David and Debra.
Coming back through the woods.
Another sign of erosion
Tall grass.
Our 10K checkpoint (and turnaround
if you only did the 10K) volunteers were Ben Wheeler and Kathy McCrain.
Narrow trail.
Pretty pond.
Our group and a lady and her daughter who are from Waxahatchie.
Choise of paths.
Pipeline for oil? We passed
an active oil well on the walk.
Grass was seeding out.
Autumn colors.
Purple grass growing underfoot.
This bridge was near the restrooms at the end of the walk.
View from the bridge.
Happy face on Lenore after finishing up a 15K.

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