Randolph Road Runners | Lenore's Walk Diary | Email Me


Our walk start volunteers.
They were in Christmas Spirit.
I liked this pole with
the gourd birdhouses.
John and Robert caught up with us
and passed us as we waited for the
light to cross main street.
View from the bridge
over the creek.
View of the church from the street.
We quickly warmed up.
Climbing the steps to the top of the tower
gave us another 1K credit.
A new volksmarcher enjoying
the view from the top.
The checkpoint at the base of the tower.
Carol and Lenore on the tower balcony.
Christmas decoration on main street.
Lenore made a visit to Baby Jesus.
A pretty fountain on the town square.
This is the old county jail.
Karl and Andy coming up behind us
at about the half way point.
Checkpoint #2 volunteers.
Waiting to get my book stamped at the finish.
When you finish the walk, you get
to pick a gift from this table.
Lenore having trouble getting the ribbon
off her gift. It was a very cute teddy bear.
We tried to get her to name it Boerne,
but she went with Jennifer.
